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Tag: Earpods


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    • Superior comfort designed to fit the geometry of the ear, providing enhanced comfort compared to traditional earbuds
    • High-quality audio with engineered speakers for maximized sound output and minimized sound loss
    • Built-in remote for adjusting volume, controlling music and video playback, and answering or ending calls
    • Compatible with all devices featuring a Lightning connector and running iOS 10 or later, including iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
    • Integrated microphone for clear voice capture during calls, FaceTime, and Siri interactions
      • Superior comfort designed to fit the geometry of the ear, providing enhanced comfort compared to traditional earbuds
      • High-quality audio with engineered speakers for maximized sound output and minimized sound loss
      • Built-in remote for adjusting volume, controlling music and video playback, and answering or ending calls
      • Compatible with all devices featuring a Lightning connector and running iOS 10 or later, including iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
      • Integrated microphone for clear voice capture during calls, FaceTime, and Siri interactions